Forest Goddess Idyllwild Retreat Recap
The forest gifted us with a sparkling white wonderland!
The goddesses and I spent 2 magical nights and 3 days in a cozy cabin in the forest town of Idyllwild awakening, rising into our power, and embodying the Goddess within while being surrounded by the smell of pines, dripping icicles, and fresh snow. It was nourishing, soul rejuvenating, and the perfect start to a new year!
DAY 1 - Goddess Awakening
We started out with a welcome circle where everyone received their Goddess goodie bags (thank you to our sponsors Bubbly Belle, Madera, Cacao & I, Neurogan, and Coola!) . Then, we went around introduced ourselves, spoke our intentions for the weekend, and described the qualities that a Goddess embodies.
A goddess is:
💫 The energy of beingness - powerful, loving, caring
✨ Intuitive
🌟 Sensual
💫 The creator of her own reality
✨ Strong yet soft
⭐️ Adaptable and leans into the flow
💫 Trusting and has faith in her divine path
✨ Magnetic
🌟 Speaks her truth with confidence, clarity, and compassion
💫 Pure, loving, and warm
✨ Supportive of other women
⭐️ Does not have the energy of desperation, neediness, or lack (wounded feminine energy)
Next, we had a juicy slow flow and meditation to help the goddesses awaken their mind, body, and soul, and balance their sacral, throat, and crown chakras. We used the energy of Saraswati - the goddess of knowledge, wisdom, learning, music, arts, and speech to tap into our inner wisdom and find awareness of the beliefs and patterns that have been holding us back. Mid-flow we got the goddess-heat going with an epic dance party to my FAVORITE dancy party song Dog Days Are Over by Florence and The Machine!
The Goddess Saraswati is the embodiment of the perennial flow of knowledge and was created to dispel the abysmal darkness of ignorance from the universe.
After practice, we had our first heart-warming, nourishing, delicious plant-based meal from our chef Kali Aevermann!
Then, we ended the night with a full moon release and crystal cleansing ceremony! We tapped into the energy of the Goddess Dhumavati - the goddess of disappointment and letting go. Shumavati is the gifts that come after the darkness passes. She is also the clear, potent presence of the void. She teaches us to surrender to the gifts of the moment, no matter what they bring.
We used this energy to burn away that which no longer serves us and let the moon cleanse our souls and our favorite crystals under the moonlight!
DAY 2 - Goddess Rising
Day 2 began with a cacao ceremony using my favorite Cacao from Cacao & I. This is a ritual I have incorporated into every morning in my life and something I was really excited to share with the women. Checkout my Cacao recipe HERE. With our cacao, we stated our intentions for the day ahead.
After our grounding with our cacao, we went into a soul-sparking vinyasa and kundalini practice incorporating breathwork and movement to wake up the chakras and release the shadows of each chakra: fear, guilt, shame, grief, deceit, doubt, and loneliness.
We tapped into the energy of the Goddess Shakti - the feminine aspect of the Divine who empowers us to be luminous, radiant, creative, and in flow with the Universe!
“Om Shakti Om Shakti Om Shakti Om”
We used her energy to tap into the different aspects of self (divine and wounded, the shadow and the light, the warrior, the mother, the feminine and masculine, the creative, etc.). To reflect on how you want to create your own reality? How do you want to feel? How do you want to show up to the different aspects of your life from this place of Divine Feminine energy?
After practice, we had a hearty, warm, yummy breakfast a-la Kali. 🤤🤤🤤
After we filled ourselves our bellies with Kali’s delicious breakfast, we went for a frolic in the snow!
Then, we got back and had our manifestation and vision boarding workshop where we channeled Shakti, felt into who we needed to BE to create the life of our dreams, and then manifested it onto our boards!
Later that day, we gathered to create an altar with our cleansed crystals, carved our manifestations into spell candles, and lit them up to cast our spells during a magical chakras manifestation yin & Reiki practice as the sun went down.
During our yin and reiki practice, we channeled the energy of the Goddess Parvati. Parvati is the Divine Mother and Yogini Goddess who reminds us to give our beautiful bodies nourishment, devoted motherly forgiveness, and sweer care. She is the energy that allows our tense muscles to soften into delicate sensations and she releases our contracted bodies to surrender and restore in meditation and movement. We used her energy to soften, allowing our manifestations to come in.
We ended the practice with heart and third eye-opening sound healing amongst the night sky and twinkle of candles.
We ended the night with another incredible meal and s’mores around the fire.
Day 3 - Goddess Embodied
On our last morning of the retreat, we had a Closing Cacao Ceremony where we shared what we had learned about ourselves over the weekend and our intentions for when we left and got home.
We then had a final vinyasa practice with a dance party! In this final morning practice, we channeled the Goddess Kali - the fierce goddess of destruction and transformation. Kali reminds us that as we transform and manifest the lives we deeply desire, destruction must occur and we must allow things to fall away that no longer serve us. While this can be a painful part of the process, it is necessary and always worth it.
We ended practice by making an EPIC music video to the song “I AM” and then had one last meal together.
We then had arts and crafts time making gorgeous macrame dream catchers and then said our goodbyes.